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STOCKBRIDGE, Massachusetts — The Berkshire Botanical Garden, 5 West Stockbridge Road, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, will host the Berkshire Woodworkers Guild Fine Arts Show and silent auction 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 3 and Sept. 4. The annual show features Guild members who exhibit and sell unique, hand-made products, including furniture to musical instruments. The Guild also provides ongoing demonstrations highlighting their trade and providing an educational component to the weekend event. The show features designs by 18 professional woodworkers from the Berkshires and neighboring towns throughout New York and Connecticut. A highlight of the weekend is a silent auction to benefit the Berkshire Woodworkers Guild Scholarship Fund, which supports individuals who aspire to make woodworking, architecture, or a related field their professional goal. Since 2013, the Guild has awarded $39,500 in scholarship monies to 30 recipients. Throughout the weekend, BWG members will demonstrate various woodworking techniques including turning, sharpening techniques, riving and finials turning. Admission is $5 for the general public and $3 for Garden members. The event will include food and refreshments. For information, call 413-429-6830.
NEW LEBANON — The Friends of the New Lebanon Library will host its annual Tag Sale at 9 a.m. Sept. 4 in front of the library, 550 State Route 20, Columbia Pike, New Lebanon. Anyone who wants to register for a space at the tag sale to sell their own items can register for a space no later than Sept. 2 for a fee of $10 payable at the New Lebanon Library. Bring your own table. Everything will be priced to sell. Raffle tickets for the Bookshelf Quilt on display at the library will be available at the sale during the event. The drawing will be held at 4 p.m. Winner need not be present to win. Tickets may also be purchased at the library and cost $5 each or 5 for $20.
CANAAN — The Canaan Protective Fire Company, 2126 Route 295, Canaan, Belly Bustin’ Breakfast will be served 8 a.m.-noon Sept. 4. The all you can eat breakfast buffet includes scrambled eggs, regular and blueberry pancakes, home fries, corned beef, bacon, sausage, fruit cup, bagels, donut holes, coffee, tea and orange juice. Adults, $15; children, $7; children 5 and younger, free.
STAATSBURG — Staatsburgh State Historic Site, 9 Old Post Road, Staatsburg, will share historic gossip about celebrity scandals in a special tour called “Gilded Age Scandals.” The tour will be offered at 1 p.m. on Sept. 4, 8, 9, 11, 15, 23 and 24. Reservations are required and can be made by visiting The charge for the tour is $10 for adults; seniors pay $8. The tour will last 90 minutes and is led by a guide in period clothing. Due to the fascinating but sometimes risqué content of this tour, it is not recommended for younger visitors.
STOCKBRIDGE, Massachusetts — The Berkshire Botanical Garden, 5 West Stockbridge Road, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, presents the class Herbaceous Plants 5:30-8:30 p.m. Sept. 6. Led by Lee Buttala explores the world of herbaceous plants, from their identification, selection and use in the garden, through their basic botany, life cycle and propagation. Participants are asked to create a final project highlighting a genus or plant family related to the curriculum. A part of the Level 1 horticulture core curriculum, this class is essential for the committed gardener and includes lectures, hands-on activities, field study, and group discussion. The class aspires to give participants a deeper understanding of annuals, perennials and ornamental vegetables and their role in the garden. Students should dress for outdoor field study. All students participating in this class as part of the Horticulture Certificate Program are required to complete a final project. The cost of four classes is $215 for non-members and $185 for members. For information, call 413-298-3926 or email
NORTH CHATHAM — The North Chatham Free Library, 4287 Route 203, North Chatham, will hold the seminar Medicare 101 10 a.m.-noon Sept. 7. Turning 65? Did you know you can enroll in Medicare anytime during a seven-month period beginning three months before your 65th birthday? And when you sign up affects when your coverage begins? The process can seem daunting and complicated. Experienced Columbia County Office for the Aging staff with expertise in the often-complex world of health insurance will discuss what you need to know in order to make sound decisions. The seminar will close with a question and answer session to make sure the most important points have been covered. This free program is part of the North Chatham Free Library’s “How to be More Eco-Friendly” series. For information, call 518-766-3211.
DELMAR — The Mendelssohn Club of Albany will hold auditions beginning in September for male singers interested in joining the club for the 2022-23 season. Interested tenors and basses are invited to rehearse with the club at 7:15 a.m. on Wednesdays starting Sept. 7 at the New Covenant Presbyterian Church, 916 Western Ave., Albany. Prospective members are invited to sing with the club during subsequent rehearsals in September to become acquainted with the music, conductor and members of the club. Rehearsals are held every Wednesday, and auditions will take place near the end of September or early October. For information, visit the Mendelssohn Club or email the club at
STOTTVILLE — The Church of St. Joseph, 2824 Atlantic Ave., Stottville, monthly food pantry will be held 3-5 p.m. Sept. 9.
DELMAR — Q.U.I.L.T. Inc. will meet at 9:45 a.m. Sept. 9 at the Delmar Reformed Church, 386 Delaware Ave., Delmar. QUILT Inc. is a not-for-profit guild of quilters interested in learning about the art of making quilts. Members live in the Capital Region and surrounding communities. All levels of quilters are welcome. Meetings are held the second Friday of each month September through June. For the September meeting, a brief business meeting begins at 9:45 a.m. followed by Meet Our Members, Show and Share and an Open Sew. Visit for more details.
GHENT — High & Mighty annual fundraiser The Barn Doors Are Open: Kick Up Your Heels will be held 5-10 p.m. Sept. 10 at 71 County Route 21C, Ghent. The event includes live music, great food, both live and silent auctions, games, raffles and a bonfire. This is a fun evening for the whole family. All proceeds go to supporting the programs. Tickets can be purchased at Adults, $100; children, $25; children under 5, free. If you can’t attend, you can still support High & Mighty by participating in the online auction, going live at noon Sept. 2. For information, contact Dianne Ortmann at
GERMANTOWN — The Germantown Garden Club annual Standard Flower Show will be held 1-4 p.m. Sept. 10 and 1-3 p.m. Sept. 11 at the Kellner Activity Building, Palatine Park Road, Germantown. The show will feature flower arrangements, educational displays and horticultural specimens. This year the Germantown Garden Club’s show title is “Nature’s Best.” The design and horticulture classes will offer this theme for their entries. The design division will feature fresh and dried flower arrangements in eight significant groups. The horticulture specimens division will include individual flowers, herbs, branches and container-grown plants as well as vegetables. The show is open to the public and admission is free. It’s a great opportunity for everyone to see the different types of horticulture available at this time of year, to see beautiful and inspiring flower arrangements and to visit Germantown’s premier historic site and maybe learn something new, too. For information, call Fran Bufi at 518-537-4868.
OLD CHATHAM — “Quakers: The Quiet Revolutionaries” screening will be held at 7 p.m. Sept. 10 in the Old Chatham Quaker Meetinghouse, 539 County Route 13, Old Chatham, across from Pitt Hall Road and Powell House. Today’s Quakers share a spiritual DNA with their earliest forebears. They follow in the footsteps of dedicated Friends who battled authorities for abolition of slavery, civil rights, religious freedom, women’s suffrage and resistance to all war. This film covers who the Quakers are, their beginnings and activism, early Quaker women, troublemakers and martyrs, Quakers in America from persecution to power, William Penn and the holy experiment, the Quietest period, the diversity of Quaker worship and belief, abolition and women’s suffrage, women claiming their rights, spirit in action, journeys of principle, civil and human rights, Quaker presidents, Quaker witness and Quaker education and the future. Free and open to the public. A moderated discussion will follow. For information, call 518-610-3735. For directions,
CORNWALL — Join the Hudson Highlands Nature Museum for Butterfly Day 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Sept. 10 at the Outdoor Discovery Center, 120 Muser Drive (off Angola Rd) in Cornwall. Enjoy games, sweep netting, the caterpillar enclosure, migration station, play in Grasshopper Grove and a craft. Children and adults alike will get a thrill getting “up close and personal” with butterflies in the Butterfly Tent. With the purchase of each ticket, you will also be registering for a half hour slot during which you will have several minutes to enter and enjoy the Butterfly Tent offered at 10, 10:30, 11 a.m., 1:30, 2 and 2:30 p.m. Be a Citizen Scientist as you observe Nature Educators tag and release Monarch Butterflies at noon and 3 p.m. as part of “Monarch Watch. Recommended for ages 3 and older. Pre-registration is required. HHNM Members, $8 ages 3 and older; Not- yet-Members, $12 per person ages 3 and older. Children under 3 are free. Entrance to Grasshopper Grove is included in the admission price. Visit or call 845-534-5506 for registration and more information.
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